Friday, April 16, 2010


Today has been a super lazy day of relaxing, naps, and eating. This is what I need right now too. I can hear the crackles again, that's why. So in that sense, I'm goin to post my poem I wrote a couple of months ago about the crackles I get in my lungs.


sitting at night we lay and try to fall asleep

trying to ignore the breath of this disgusting disease

only those who are fighting

knows what its like to hear the inside dying

our fear of the first crackle that wont disappear

sends our mind whirling into thinking, why cant it be clear.

we sit and listen to the sound of fait

turing to the variety of medications that awaits

breathing in the moist meds that our lungs crave

we forget about our difficulties and the again become brave.

the first time you the faintest crackle

hoping with the next treatment it will fade away.

to waking up at midnight trying to breathe

from the crackles, that albuterol just cant put at ease

once its attack is over and its stopped its little tease

i sit and lay the trying to ignore the breath of a disease.

suddenly time flys by before you could ever catch it

and you wonder how you ever be able to get past this.

we know inside the daunting hospital is waiting

we figure hey we know eachother this well, why shouldnt we be dating

walking up to our room with our clothes & crackles

we realize we'll be bound to this bed with i.v.s as shackles

getting stronger and healthier as the days go by

the nurses and rp's comment that our smile is finally alive.

but the day the doctor comes in with a smile

means we get to pack up and our stay was all worthwhile.

defeating the crackles of these scarred lungs

give us the hope and again makes us feel young.

all us's will always be in this fight together

accomplishing our goals and relating to eachother

though we cant sit face to face and talk

because of fear of cross infection.

we will always be there for one another

because with cf we have a special connection.


1 comment:

  1. I feel every word of your poem... your poetry is very good...
